How the right ergotherapist can relieve your constant pain
15. 4. 2023
Egotherapists are health professionals who specialise in providing therapeutic help to people with disabilities so that they can improve their abilities and manage normal daily activities.

Zdenka Faltynkova
ergotherapist, physiotherapist, spinal specialist in CZEPA association
Zdenka has more than forty years of experience in the field of occupational therapy and physiotherapy. Therefore, she has great ideas on what is missing on the market and what she would need to be able to really help her clients. This is how she came up with the idea of creating an anti-subluxation seat as a kit that could be adjusted and easily reconfigured according to current needs - the Libella Seat Varia, or the Libella Backrest corrective backrest, which will also soon see the light of day.
Zdenka is a founding member of the Association of Paraplegics (now CZEPA), founder of the rehabilitation programme at the Paraple Centre, member of the committees of the Union of Physiotherapists of the Czech Republic and the Czech Society for Spinal Lesions. Externally, she teaches physiotherapy and occupational therapy students. She is the author of publications for the professional and general public and more than 20 scripts with educational topics for wheelchair users and their surroundings. For her lifelong activities on behalf of wheelchair users and her professional work in the field of physiotherapy and occupational therapy, she received the Annual Award of the Minister of Health, the Crystal Stone Award and the Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Occupational Therapy within the European Region.
Ergotherapists Zdenka Faltynkova and Veronika Lidakova
Veronika Lidakova
occupational therapist, worked at the spinal unit of Motol University Hospital as a leading occupational therapist until August 2021, now head of Ergolab Libella
Veronika has more than twenty years of experience in occupational therapy and intensive work with wheelchair users. At Libella design, she has been the head of Ergolab for the second year now and almost every one of our customers (literally) passes under her magic hand to turn their wheelchair sessions into a proper and healthy one.
She gained her experience as an ergotherapist at the Paraple Centre and then as a leading spinal occupational therapist at the Clinic of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine at Motol University Hospital. Exceptionally, she also works as a private field occupational therapist. She is a member of the Czech Association of Occupational Therapists, the Professional Society of Hand Therapy and the Clinical Interest Group in the rehabilitation of people with spinal cord lesions in the section of occupational therapists. She also worked in theoretical and practical teaching of students of the 1st and 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and employees of Motol University Hospital. She has been involved in research on the position of upper limbs of tetraplegics with impact on functional potential in normal daily activities and the use and development of common technologies by wheelchair users to control the environment.
Ergotherapists work with people of all ages and with different types of disabilities such as musculoskeletal, sensory, cognitive and communication impairments.
Barbora Rusinova
Head of Ergotherapy at Paraple Centre, occupational therapist at Ergolab Libella
In her bachelor's thesis, Barbora dealt with the topic of choosing a suitable wheelchair for tetraplegics and correct sitting posture. Her deep interest in this issue led her to occupational therapy at the Paraple Centre, where she first helped out as a temporary worker and gradually worked her way up to the head of the entire department, where she has been working for the second year. We are very happy to have another experienced occupational therapist in our team who can transform your seat beyond recognition.
As part of her continuing education, she has completed the STEPS Certified Principles of Proper Sitting and Mobility in a Wheelchair course. She is a member of the Czech Medical Society, the Czech Spinal Lesion Society and the Czech Association of Occupational Therapists.
You will already know the faces of our occupational therapists, for example, from the Libella Seat Varia focusing or the presentation of Libella design products. You also know that their energy and love for their profession is indescribable. For them, it's not "just" about the work, but rather about their mission. And we thank them for their kindness and diligence.
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